Jóvenes investigadores – intereses y motivaciones

Resultado de las entrevistas realizadas a 116 jóvenes investigadores de 7 países y 81 universidades.

What do early career researchers (ECRs) really think about peer review, open access, or Impact Factors? What motivates them to undertake research, how do they choose which journal to publish in, and how do they build their reputation amongst the scholarly community?

Who are ECRs (and why are they so important)?
Researchers who are generally not older than 35, who either have received their doctorate and are currently in a research position or have been in research positions but are currently doing a doctorate. In neither case are they researchers in established or tenured positions. In the case of academics, they are nonfaculty research employees of the university. […]

The prominent findings for Spain are that ECRs are very hardworking people, very involved in the competition for obtaining a tenured position or the first/next post-doc. They are, probably, more worried and dedicated to the job than US/UK ECRs who have greater (other) job opportunities […]

Informe completo: Early Career Researchers: the harbingers of change? Year one (2016)

Fuente: 16 things you might not know about early career researchers (Supporting Taylor & Francis authors)

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